Activity Tools

As you move through the Your Seasons of Stories activities you will find reference to the Wheel of Change and Viewfinder/Leaf-frame. We have provided these for you as templates which you can download and print to make the activities easier to follow and  help you focus.

The Infinity Landscape Cards were painted by Bridport based artist Sarah Jane Ross and were inspired from seasonal based community workshops. They are an activity themselves as you can cut the cards out and play around with rearranging the seasons or you can  display all together as artwork at home.

Download the tools

Be part of a community

Share your stories, poetry and art created through these activities to help inspire and encourage others to take part and connect to nature.

You might like to:

1. Post on social media using the #DorsetSeasons and look at and comment on others who have also shared their work.

2. Join and share your work on the private ‘Stepping into Nature Community Group’ on Facebook for an informal and friendly group who share a love of nature.

3. Email a photo of your work to: to be included on an online community exhibition.