Wild Writing Workshops

Thinking creatively can be fun and has been shown to have brain boosting effects. Writing increases brain connectivity, helps people learn and recall memories and can even improve immune system functioning. Combine the benefits of writing and connection to nature and you are onto a winner!

Wild Writing Activities

Follow these themed workshops using the prompts to unlock your creativity. The workshops encourage you to take notice of nature, listen to your surroundings and explore your relationship with nature in a fun and accessible way.

Allow 10-20 minutes to take part in this activity. It doesn’t matter how old you are or how ‘good’ you feel you are at writing, it is just about giving it a go, taking notice of what is around you and enjoying the process.

Download PDF's of each workshops

If you prefer to follow a worksheets instead then you can download a pack of all the above workshops as PDf’s. These also include links to audio poems to help inspire you.

Find more inspiration

Need a printed version?

If you can think of someone that would enjoy this activity but is unable to access these sessions online then please downlaod and print the pack linked below or request a printed pack from stepin2nature@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk to be posted. 

Be inspired among Dorset countryside and coast

There are plenty of places in Dorset to visit which may inspire you to think more creatively. Use the Dorset AONB map to explore locations close to you. This beautiful winter sunset was taken at Wardon Hill by Graham Herbert.

Go to the map

Picnic in the Parks has many more activities for you to enjoy. Head back to map and explore the other zones.