Sea Swimming

Cold water swimming is becoming increasingly popular and it is easy to understand why when you look at the fantastic health benefits.

It reduces stress levels in everyday life, generates a greater sense of wellbeing, boosts your immune system and improves circulation. Sea swimming is also free and can be done with friends and family too.

For someone that hasn’t done it before, however, it can seem a little daunting.

To help overcome these barriers we have put together some tips for you to read and think about before you head out. The fantastic organisation called ‘Chill’ (soon to come to Dorset) have shared this inspirational film about the joys of sea swimming.

Photo by Adam Winger

Watch the video

Tips to stay safe

-> Be prepared

Choose a safe spot to swim, a good question to ask yourself is, do other people swim here? Look at signage and check the tide times. If you’re unsure consider joining a cold-water swimming group.

-> Wear appropriate items

Not only does this keep you safe but it will make the experience more enjoyable.

Think swimming-hat, goggles, wetsuit (optional), gloves, towels and jumpers to warm up when you get out.

-> Stay calm

Gradually enter the water to avoid cold water shock. Splash yourself to acclimatise then ease your way in. It gets easier the more often you do it!

-> Warm up slowly

Take a hot drink and lots of layers to get warm. Hot showers immediately after may sound nice but they can do more harm than good.

Would you like to swim with others?

Chill run group sessions in Devon, and are soon to come to Dorset, to help introduce people to cold water swimming.  A typical session is:

  • 1 hour with about 30 mins in the sea
  • 5 minutes of gentle exercise and stretching (with dry robes on) before entering the water (swimsuit only).
  • Various activities in the water (no deeper than waist height) depending on sea conditions.

To enquire about joining a group please email


Video supported by Chill, a Community Interest Company. 

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