Reconnecting with dance

Bridport Youth Dance

Bridport Youth Dance runs dance classes for ages 4 – 21 years and workshops with leading teachers and choreographers from across the UK. Led by dance teacher and choreographer Nikki Northover, Bridport Youth Dance consists of Bridport Boys Dance group, Summer Dance Scene and an exceptional annual production in Bridport, Dorset.

As a celebration of the end of lockdown Bridport Youth Dance created this wonderful piece which can be viewed below.

Bridport Youth Dance

“Above all, what was so wonderful was to reconnect …to be dancing in our beautiful environment and to be together after almost five months apart. Here we are emerging…”

Watch the film


Directed and produced by Nikki Northover. Music by Andrew Dickson with vocals by Georgia Collins. Filmed and edited by Elliot Millson. Choreography by Nikki Northover and the dancers Bridport Youth Dancers: Rory Armstrong, Rosie Hyde, Reuben Squirrell, Chiara Sidebotham, Elfin Bonome, Similce Jacobson, George Green, Louis Donovan and Connie Vicary. 

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