Discovery Wood

Discovery Wood is about helping you to experience new places in Dorset or familiar places in different ways. If you can, and it is safe to do so, meet up with family, friends or colleagues and enjoy these activities together. Don’t forget to tell others about your adventures or new-found activities to help inspire others to enjoy Dorset’s nature.

In this zone, choose a location or activity that interests you, then head out to connect with the outstanding landscape, wildlife, history and culture of Dorset.

Discovery Wood Activities

Do you think this website could be better?

In 2025 we’re planning to refresh the website, so please let us know how you find using the hub and what changes would improve it.

With your input we can continue to make this website the best possible version of itself.  Are we missing anything you would like to see more of? Can we make it easier to use? Let us know!

Go to the park

There are many more activities for you to enjoy. Head back to the homepage and explore the other parks of the virtual park.