Original aims
The aim of the events were to connect local organisations and community groups to residents whose health and wellbeing could benefit from the services they had to offer. The events were full of opportunities to try out activities that they may have been interested in, meet like-minded people and gather local information.
Unfortunately as Covid-19 came along, the events had to be cancelled. It is however more important than ever that we find ways to live well and love nature for our health and happiness so, whilst we couldn’t run such as large and interactive event, we turned to a new virtual way of promoting these opportunities.

So what is it now?
The new virtual Picnic in the Parks is an exciting project and has plenty of opportunities to discover activities and places that are new to you.
Explore 6 zones of fun, inspiring, informative activities designed to help you live well and love nature. Activities range from watching awe-inspiring films and virtual walks to following history guides and walk routes. All activities help you to be inspired by nature from any setting.
Picnic in the parks is for everyone, with a range of activities which can be adapted to suit any audience.