Lambert's Castle

A hillfort with lots of open space, relatively level walks and great views across the Marshwood Vale. Managed by the National Trust, there’s parking and benches to sit and soak up the views.

Both an Iron Age Hillfort & Victorian Fair

This hillfort was built around 2, 500 years ago! As you follow the line of trees up the slope from the car park you will come across the western entrance to the fort and can still see today the prominent ditch and bank either side. More recently, a fair was held here from 1709 to 1947, and there was also a horse-racing track.

In 1806 a relay station was built. It was part of a chain of signal posts from Plymouth to London to warn of a French invasion during the Napoleonic war.

Marshwood Vale (c) Marks Simons

Walk a little...or a lot!

Short Walks: Stroll around the top of the hillfort and take in the fantastic views, see if you can spot the neighbouring hillforts. Less than a mile away, down the southern slope is Coney’s Castle, a smaller hillfort that feels very different in character … Find walking directions

Longer Walks: To stretch your legs further follow the Wessex Ridgeway to Pilsdon Pen … Find out more

Find out more about the archaeology and nature of Dorset’s hillforts in this National Trust guide

Walk on top of Lambert's Castle by Tony Gill