As Covid-19 restrictions ease and the summer gets into full swing, it’s only natural to want to get outdoors, have your fill of fresh air and enjoy seeing your gardens, parks and countryside bursting into life. When you are out and about in the Dorset landscape, please help us keep Dorset safe and special by joining in the #Promise to love Dorset Campaign:

  • Do respect our environment. Our habitats and wildlife are unique, so avoid lighting campfires or BBQs in forests or on heathland.
  • Do be considerate of our residents. Check where you can park or camp and please leave room for emergency vehicles.
  • Do be aware of hidden coastline dangers. Watch out for strong sea currents and tides, and promise to keep away from cliff edges, where rockfalls are frequent.
  • Do take your litter home. Our beaches, countryside and seas look much better when they’re clean, so promise to put litter in a bin or take it home.
  • Do take care on the roads. Our roads can be narrow and winding, not a place for speed demons, so promise to take care.

There's more you can do to help us all stay safe and protect wildlife

In Dorset, we have a relatively elderly population in some parts and local communities are very aware of the devastating impact the virus can have and protecting our local communities must be our priority.

We want to urge people in Dorset to stay safe and respectful of other people and wildlife when out and about and the Countryside Code sets out some simple things that you can do to help make this happen:

Respect everyone

  • be considerate to those living in, working in and enjoying the countryside
  • leave gates and property as you find them
  • do not block access to gateways or driveways when parking
  • be nice, say hello, share the space
  • follow local signs and keep to marked paths unless wider access is available

Protect the environment

  • do not light fires and only have BBQs where signs say you can
  • keep dogs under control and in sight
  • dog poo – bag it and bin it – any public waste bin will do
  • care for nature – do not cause damage or disturbance

Enjoy the outdoors

  • check your route and local conditions
  • plan your adventure – know what to expect and what you can do
  • enjoy your visit, have fun, make a memory!

Please be aware that popular spots may get busy – have a back up plan in case your destination is full. There’s lots of amazing countryside to enjoy, have a look at our Explore map for alternative sites as a back up.

You can find full details of  what you are able to do in this phase of the pandemic on the Government website.

Enjoying the Dorset countryside from your sofa

Our Stepping into Nature have launched a virtual Picnic in the Park, where you can enjoy the Dorset countryside from your sofa. Activities range from watching awe-inspiring films, virtual walks, countryside sound clips and stories.

The Dorset AONB Team

The Dorset AONB Team continues to work from home and is conducting all meetings remotely. All volunteer activities, events and face-to-face project activity have been postponed to safeguard participants, event leaders and our team.

If you would like to get in touch with any of the Dorset AONB Team, our email and phone details remain the same but we can no longer receive post.

We are really looking forward to the time when we can run our activities with you again but will make sure we resume only when it is safe to do so. Until then please take care and stay safe.

The Dorset AONB Team