Walking trail linking Kimmeridge Village and the Bay
Visitors to Kimmeridge can now enjoy interpretation and a trail linking the Bay to the Village.

Visitors to Kimmeridge can now enjoy interpretation and a trail linking the Bay to the Village.
Improvements were completed enhancing pedestrian access links between the refurbished Fine Foundation Wild Seas Centre at Kimmeridge Bay and the Etches Collection Fossil Museum in the village.
The existing path linking the village and bay had a ‘make-over’ including new gates, a new bridge, drainage works, path clearance and coastal path improvements. Visitors are encouraged to park at Kimmeridge Bay and visit the village using the improved access.
Visitors are welcomed to Kimmeridge Bay by an oak framed interpretation panel at Gaulters Gap, (the western end of the main car park) and a panel on the wall of the toilet facilities in the smaller car park providing information on the local area, what they can see and do whilst visiting this unique and beautiful part of the Jurassic Coast World Heritage Site.
Interactive, eye-catching wayfinding fingerposts along the walking trail show how the creatures found here today are linked to past wildlife through geological time.