Wilder grazing unit: March & April 2021 update

It’s been a busy few months, with lots of headway being made.

The project remains on schedule to deliver within the planned scope, budget and timescales.

Dartford Warbler (c) RSPB Arne

Key milestones reached in March/April included:

  • final locations of all highways cattle grids agreed, taking account where possible of needs/views of all parties;
  • tenders prepared with detailed specifications and maps, to procure local fencing contractors to install new and update existing fences and gates to create outer boundaries of Unit;
  • Ancient Technology Centre (ATC) appointed to construct a heathland dwelling using natural materials and methodologies, ready for educational engagement later in year;
  • some engagement with local accommodation and activity providers has occurred, albeit Covid restrictions have limited such opportunities – significantly more engagement is planned;
  •  core list of flora and fauna species identified for different levels of ecological monitoring;
  • appropriate protocols and agreements in place or under development across the partnership for Finance, Grazing arrangements, Animal Welfare, Ecological changes;
  •  plans for maintenance of existing/introduction of further livestock in progress;
  • key specialists engaged to help prepare a Sustainable Tourism Plan.