The FLAVOURS project offers new opportunities for people to get a taste of Dorset’s outstanding landscape.

Food is the focus for a season of taster activities aimed at inviting diverse communities to explore the landscape around them for the first time.

Ukraine families visit Middlebere Farm
Grace the Space visit to Launceston Farm

About the project

The FLAVOURS project is all about finding ways for people from ethnic minority and refugee backgrounds living in Dorset, to explore and discover a range of farms and open spaces within their local landscapes.

FLAVOURS will help build confidence to connect to nature in Dorset and to share food and drink in all its glorious expressions. From picnics, shared lunches and recipe swaps, to baking and cooking together, sharing food stories and traditions – food is central to all our activities!

Visit to Middlebere Farm on the edge of Poole Harbour

The story so far ...

We were excited to get the FLAVOURS project up and running with  5 visits to the countryside in the autumn,  enjoying the wildlife, stunning views and finding more out about farming. The Inside Out Dorset Festival brought a diverse range of artists to Dorset, sharing stories of food and countryside.

Bread making at Launceston Farm

Launceston Farm

Alice and Tash from Grace the Space created a joyful day out at Launceston Farm, near Blandford for an inspiring group of women. A beautiful walk with Cath the farmer showed us pigs, cows, butterflies and blackberries. Then we made bread from the flour they produce. After a vegan lunch came fun and movement outdoors with Tash.

Ukraine families visit Middlebere Farm

Middlebere Farm

Chrissy and Jake Hancock welcomed a group of Ukraine women and children to their organic farm near Arne. A trailer ride through idyllic countryside introduced us to their cows and how they look after wildlife. A picnic of local meats and cheeses from The Salt Pig overlooking the shores of Poole Harbour wrapped up a great day.

Getting to know each other at Middlebere Farm

Middlebere Farm

Grace the Space welcomed a group of women with ICN Bournemouth to Middlebere Farm on the edge of Poole Harbour. After a trailer ride through the farm to look at how the cows are farmed and to hear about wildlife, there was time for a stretch and a delicious lunch!

Jurassic Multicultural Network visit Tamarisk Farm

Tamarisk Farm

Families from the Jurassic Multicultural Network visited Tamarisk Farm at West Bexington near Bridport.  As well as a walk round the farm, they were able to see how grain is processed into flour.  A delicious lunch was a great opportunity to relax, eat and chat. We hope to have a follow up baking day to share favourite bread recipes, just looking for a suitable kitchen!

Ukraine families visit Durlston Country Park

Durlston Country Park

Ukraine families were so taken by the trip to Middlebere Farm that they planned a second visit with Anastasia Pikalova, this time to Durlston Country Park near Swanage. Rangers showed them some of the highlights of the area and they made use of the Learning Centre for a picnic lunch. Great views, lots of fun and plenty of fresh air!

Akademi's performance of Pravaas at Inside Out Dorset Festival 2023 (c) Jayne Jackson / Activate Performing Arts

Inside Out Dorset Festival

The South Asian dance company Akademi were among the creative extravaganza to roll up at Wild Woodbury for the Inside Out Dorset festival. The Wildlife Trust site at Bere Regis formed a peaceful backdrop for stories, performances and installations exploring nature, climate change, landscape and local food.

Picnic for Ukraine families on visit Middlebere Farm

If you would like to find out more or get involved in some activities we would love to hear from you! Please contact:

  • Caroline (Caz) Richards, Dorset Food & Drink, hello@dorsetfoodanddrink.org, 01305 224717
  • Anastasia Pikalova, Dorset Race Equality Council, anastasia.pikalova@dorsetrec.org.uk
  • Sue Dampney, Dorset National Landscape,  sue.dampney@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk or 01305 228242

The vital ingredient for this project is an enthusiastic partnership between the Dorset National Landscape team, Dorset Race Equality Council, Dorset Food & Drink and Activate Performing Arts, with support from the Farming in Protected Landscapes programme and the National Lottery Heritage Fund.

FLAVOURS is made possible with
The National Lottery Heritage Fund. Thanks to National Lottery players, we have been able to welcome more culturally diverse people to the Dorset National Landscape.