Land shape and structure
Those areas toward the foot of the escarpment are typically undulating rolling vale with complex topography. The more open bowl-shaped vale areas have more in common with the wider Blackmore Vale. The overall structure comprises varied and irregular pattern of predominantly pastoral fields, copses, dense hedges and occasional arable fields.
Soils and vegetation
The underlying chalk and supports a range of landcover ranging from calcareous grassland to damp neutral pastures with patches of rush. A number of larger areas of semi-natural woodland, with substantial areas of ancient woodland at Middlemarsh and Melcombe Park. Elsewhere, small coppice woodlands are found, particularly toward the foot of the escarpment.
Settlement and land cover
Settlement is largely related to the agricultural character of the area. Small farmsteads and nucleated villages, at least medieval in origin, lie along the spring line towards the Blackmore Vale. There is a concentration of villages toward the east, including settlements in the immediate setting of the National Landscape. Villages are connected by an expansive network of narrow, often sunken, winding rural lanes. Characteristic landcover consists of calcareous and neutral pastures, set within a continuous network of trimmed hedgerows with oaks with scattered native woodlands.
Historic character
The wider character is mostly piecemeal enclosure with deciduous woodland and coppice towards the western end. To the east, enclosures are more regular with pasture and large areas of woodland. Perhaps the most significant historical influence on landscape character is the consistent and intricate pattern of medieval or perhaps prehistoric, fields evolved over centuries of agricultural production and woodland clearance. Enclosures are largely regular with trimmed hedgerows, banks and hedgerow oaks. Although the area has little undiscovered visible archaeology, the hillfort and later strip lynchets on Dungeon Hill are of interest.
Visual character and perceptions
The rolling vale landscape has a broad character to the north, with vast open skies with a strong sense of rural tranquillity. Toward the south the escarpment dominates the landscape, creating a sense of enclosure.