Chalk Ridge/Escarpment
The North, West and South Escarpments and the Purbeck Ridge form dramatic backdrops to, and views of, much of the surrounding National Landscape.

The North, West and South Escarpments and the Purbeck Ridge form dramatic backdrops to, and views of, much of the surrounding National Landscape.
The North, West and South Escarpments and the Purbeck Ridge form dramatic backdrops to, and views of, much of the surrounding National Landscape. Although in geological terms an escarpment is slightly different to a ridge, they have been grouped together for this assessment as they share very similar characteristics and management requirements. With an undeveloped and open character, this landscape type with its steep sides, support important patches of chalk grasslands and hanging woodlands. These dramatic landscapes have been captured by the romantic paintings and writings of Wilsdon Steer, Moffat Linder, Daniel Defoe and Lamora Birch. Even today, the stunning setting of Corfe Castle, for example, acts as an inspiration to many.
Landscape change