Halstock Vale
Similar to the Marshwood Vale, the Halstock Vale is a traditional, pastoral clay vale with consistent patterns of trimmed hedgerows and hedgerow oaks.
Similar to the Marshwood Vale, the Halstock Vale is a traditional, pastoral clay vale with consistent patterns of trimmed hedgerows and hedgerow oaks.
Similar to the Marshwood Vale, the Halstock Vale is a traditional, pastoral clay vale with consistent patterns of trimmed hedgerows and hedgerow oaks. The irregular pattern of winding rural lanes and streams, along with small isolated settlements and agricultural buildings add to the sense of rural tranquillity and character. It has a more intimate character and undulating landform than the Marshwood Vale with large broadleaved woodlands on the gentle slopes around the central part of the vale. To the north, the vale is enclosed by limestone hills with the slopes of the chalk escarpment to the south.
Land shape and structure
A small central clay vale centred on winding streams, with the surrounding limestone hills and chalk escarpment creating a sense of enclosure. The west of the vale has a more undulating landform.
Soils and vegetation
The underlying clay with heavy soils supports a range of damp neutral pastures with patches of rush. Along the network of small streams, thin corridors of wet willow and alder add structure to the flat landscape. On the margins of the vale, small patches of calcareous grasslands are found.
Settlement and land cover
Settlement is largely related to the traditional agricultural character of the area. Expect for the village of Halstock, there are no significant settlements, with a dispersed pattern of small clustered hamlets and farmsteads, connected by an expansive network of narrow, often sunken, winding rural lanes. Characteristic landcover consists of irregular damp neutral pastures, set within a continuous network of trimmed hedgerows with oaks with small oak, ash hazel woodlands. There are also larger mixed plantations and shelter belts. Towards the south east of the vale, the area has a parkland character.
Historic character
The area has been shaped by centuries of agricultural production and woodland clearance, possibly from prehistoric times. In the western part of the vale, piecemeal enclosures predominate with a mix of regular and planned enclosure to the east. Occasional areas of strip fields also survive. Although the area has little undiscovered visible archaeology, a site of Roman Villa in the centre of the vale is of interest, with probably others still unidentified. Occasional traditional orchards are also found with a parkland landscape to the south east of the area.
Visual character and perceptions
The central flat vale landscape has a broad character with vast open skies with a strong sense of rural tranquillity. However, the area has more of an intimate and enclosed character than then Marshwood Vale, due to the occurrence of broadleaved woodlands and small-scale valleys.
Strength of character
The area has a strong character dominated by the consistent patterns of trimmed hedgerow with equally spaced hedgerow oaks, with small scattered hamlets and farmsteads of vernacular materials. Land use has remained largely pastoral, underpinning the strong association with traditional farming practices, with little evidence of recent change. Large geometric plantations sometimes weaken the intimate, pastoral character.
The Halstock Vale is well managed pastoral landscape although is intensively managed in places, particularly towards the east. Some hedgerows are in decline with hedgerow oaks becoming mature and stag headed. Although there are some areas are still managed as unimproved grasslands, most of the wet meadows and unimproved pastures have been lost. Wet woodlands are mostly confined to a narrow corridor with orchards in need of positive management. Large agricultural barns and geometric woodland plantations sometimes stand out in the open landscape. Condition of the landscape character is judged as moderate and stable.
The overall objective is to conserve the patterns and features that contribute to the rural, tranquil landscape of small-scale pastoral fields, winding lanes and small scattered settlements. Restore elements in decline such as the hedgerows and hedgerow trees wet pasture and wet woodlands, particularly where these strengthen riparian corridors.
Planning guidelines
Management guidelines