Destination Kimmeridge
Improving ‘Rights of Way’ access links between the Wild Seas Centre and The Etches Collection in Kimmeridge
Improving ‘Rights of Way’ access links between the Wild Seas Centre and The Etches Collection in Kimmeridge
The project was awarded Wytch Farm Landscape and Access Enhancement Fund support of ‘match funding’ in 2020. The project was within the ‘Lowest Priority’ target area and met the ‘Access’ criteria of the funding.
This project aimed to meet the need of alleviating traffic and parking issues in and around Kimmeridge, whilst supporting sustainable (car-free) tourism in the bay and village.
Grant awarded: £20,000
Other sources of funding: In-Kind from Dorset Coast Forum, Dorset Wildlife Trust, Smedmore Estate
% of total project costs: 79%
This project was looking to meet the need of alleviating traffic and parking issues in and around Kimmeridge, whilst supporting sustainable (car-free) tourism in the bay and village. Whilst it would be unrealistic to expect all Kimmeridge’s visitors to arrive car-free, (the Southwest Coast Path crosses the bay and does bring in walking visitors), this project works on the ‘Park and Stride’ principle- encouraging people to park once in the right place, and then enjoy their day without their car.
Also, to complete the works we are liaising with Smedmore Estate and DIO/Range Control to tidy up the remaining signage and remove the existing old stone plinth. As noted above the Dorset Council Greenspace Team can then clear the vegetation around the old plinth and install new fencing to secure the gap.
The new walking trail, signage and interpretation will provide visitors to Kimmeridge with an informed, attractive and safer welcome, whilst at the same time encouraging them to park at the bay and visit the village using the improved access instead of driving to the village. These improvements have achieved not only the aims of this project but also meets the key objectives of the Dorset Coastal Connections portfolio project by:
“It was a pleasure for Dorset Coast Forum to be part of this project which was made possible by partnership collaboration and support from the Wytch Farm Landscape and Access Enhancement Fund.”
Toni Powell, Dorset Coast Forum Co-ordinator
“The new walking trail provides an exciting opportunity for visitors to Kimmeridge to immerse themselves in the surrounding beauty of our countryside landscape and in linking both the Wild Seas Centre and The Etches Collection Museum, go ‘back in time’ to learn all about Kimmeridge’s ancient and modern marine wildlife.”
Carla Crook, The Etches Collection Fossil Museum
“Kimmeridge tells the extraordinary story of marine wildlife that lived here millions of years ago and whose relatives can still be found in the rock pools and shallows today. This new trail, along with exhibitions at the Fine Foundation Wild Seas Centre and Etches Collection Museum, explain that story and show visitors how to discover it for themselves.”
Julie Hatcher, The Fine Foundation Wild Seas Centre, Dorset Wildlife Trust