Dorset Woodhub: Autumn events
Find out more our ambition for a Dorset Woodhub: to promote active woodland management, support business development and provide workspaces, specialist equipment and training.

Find out more our ambition for a Dorset Woodhub: to promote active woodland management, support business development and provide workspaces, specialist equipment and training.
Woodhubs are emerging across the UK. Their aim is to promote active woodland management and support business development, including startups. This includes the use of local materials, especially in affordable housing. Woodhubs can also provide workspaces, specialist equipment and training.
Dorset Woodhub, a new Community Benefit Society, is running a series of events this Autumn to explore what a Woodhub could deliver for us in Dorset, with more to follow in Winter.
The events are open to all with an interest in using and revitalising our local woodlands and woodland economy.
Bridport & Eype
Most events are FREE, but the half-day workshop is £5-£10. Booking is essential for all events. Please book your place on our Eventbrite page where you will also find further information on location, times and access arrangements.
If you have further queries, please do contact Ian Rees, Dorset AONB Countryside Officer.
Great for walks & picnics, Easy access
Wooded hill in Bridport, great for wearing out the kids - or the dog! - picnics and peace.
A hidden gem, Wildlife