Hogchester is a small farm with wildflower meadows and seed harvesting at its core.

In late spring and early summer time it’s abuzz with pollinators and radiating colour. It’s a beautiful display not to be missed!

Take a closer look

Open every day from the middle of May to the end of July.

Surround yourself in the beauty of nature as you explore the 5km of paths, wildflower meadows, streams, ponds, a woodland walk and interesting land art.

Butterflies at Hogchester Meadows (c) Nick Howe

Access information

Opening times:

  • Daily 9am – 5pm

Entrance fee:

Entrance is by online ticket purchase or car park honesty box. It’s £4.00 adults, free for under 12s, with all proceeds towards supporting meadow restoration in partnership with Dorset Wildlife Trust.


By Foot

  • Walk-on access is available via the public footpaths that join Hogchester from Wooton Fitzpaine, also from the cemetery close to the Charmouth roundabout.
    WHAT THREE WORDS – resold : swimsuits : stocks

By Car

  • Turn onto Westover hill from the A35, there is a big sign for ‘THE TUNNELS’ attraction.  500 meters on the right there is a large grey sign saying ‘HOGCHESTER PARKING’
    WHAT THREE WORDS – hissing : yacht : screen

No dogs are allowed on the site.

Hogchester meadows (c) Nick Howe