Book giveaway to improve wellbeing through nature

A limited edition book that helps people to engage with nature, indoors or out, is being offered for free by the Stepping into Nature project.

Seasons of Stories Book

The book, Seasons of Stories: Autumn, is a collection of themes, country tradition and folklore inspired by autumn. It is designed to prompt memory, conversation and reflection without the need to step outside, perfect for those that find it difficult to get outdoors and enjoy the health and wellbeing benefits of connecting to nature.

Stepping into Nature, helps connect adults in Dorset with their local landscape, wildlife, culture and history. It provides support for communities and organisations to help create more inclusive, accessible and enjoyable green spaces and activities. This book is a great addition to help more people enjoy nature throughout the year.

Stepping into Nature Project Officer Steph Aburrow explained:“We have always wanted to create a resource that helps people connect to nature in any setting. We hope people using this book will renew old, and create new ways to engage with nature. The book can be read by individuals, pairs or in groups to stimulate conversation. We are really proud of the book and hope everyone enjoys reading it as much as we enjoyed creating it”.

Seasons of Stories: Autumn - Beautiful illustrations

The book was created by a small enthused team: Martin Maudsley, (storyteller), Sarah Acton (poet), Julie Hammon and Steph Aburrow, (Stepping into Nature project team) and Spike Golding, (designer). The team came together originally to run poetry and storytelling workshops in the Alzheimer’s Society Memory Cafes. The sessions were such as success that further content was developed into a resource for more people.

Black Ven Poet, Sarah Acton explained:

“Martin and I like to get people to use their imagination to create and share ideas and make associations using the kind of prompts we have in the book. In workshops we often take objects, like leaves and conkers to touch and smell, to help connect with nature indoors. We hope the book is well used and are keen to hear how we can develop future resources so please get in touch using the feedback card at the back of the book.”

Seasons of Stories Book - example page

Available now

To receive a copy of the Seasons of Stories: Autumn book, please provide your name and address via or 01305 224788 so we can post the book to you for free. There is a limited number of books available and will be allocated on first come first serve basis. We would love to know why you want a book so include a short sentence or two to let us know!

You can also view the book online or print out the book click here to see the PDF version

The Stepping into Nature project is led by the Dorset Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty team funded by the National Lottery Community Fund. To find out more about Stepping into Nature please visit .

“I have recently received the ‘Seasons of stories Autumn’ book in the post and I am blown away. It’s so nicely laid out. The illustrations are beautiful! There is such a variety in the book”

- Recipient of the book.
Harvest Moon - Image from the book

In spring we sow at the harvest mow
And that is how the seasons round they go

- Seasons of Stories: Autumn Book