Visitors to Charmouth can now enjoy beautiful & informative new signs

In Spring 2024, we worked closely with Charmouth Parish Council and Charmouth Heritage Coast Centre to create beautiful and colourful interpretation panels, replacing some very old, sad and faded ones.
We also replaced the old safety information with much clearer information on staying safe at the beach, and addressing some of the issues regarding digging in the cliffs for fossils.
Hopefully visitors will enjoy finding out more about this special place!
“When it came to the enhancing, informative work Sally really helped us to write and verify text on fossiling, geology and local wildlife. She then worked with graphic designers and signwriters to produce the most dramatic, beautiful and informative set of signs for the information cairns at the Foreshore and in the centre of the village.
We have no hesitancy in recommending her to other Parish Councils and we certainly hope that we can work with her again to further enhance our village information provision.”
If you would like us to help improve the signage in your area, please get in touch with Sally King, Visitor, Tourism and Access Manager to see if we can help.