Blog 16 - The Cowshed Community Wellbeing Project
Hear from Mary about her journey at The Cowshed next to Ammonite Medical Centre in Bridport. Mary is a volunteer who has helped drive the project forward.

Hear from Mary about her journey at The Cowshed next to Ammonite Medical Centre in Bridport. Mary is a volunteer who has helped drive the project forward.
It’s good to know that sometimes things just turn out right. I think it’s a combination of passion and persistence, with a dash of cash of course.
So, after the first lockdown I was stir crazy until I saw a post to get in on the ground floor of a Wellbeing project for Bridport Medical Centre.
Here’s our allotment they said, proudly showing of a great display of teasels and that yellow stuff…I’ll remember the name in a minute. Come up with a plan they said, so we did. (Ah Evening Primrose!)
A year later, The Cowshed had raised beds, a wheelchair friendly path, and sheds and had established two weekly groups for people with health vulnerabilities, referred by the social prescribers meeting in our Tea Shelter (think dried flowers, art work, snuggly throws and a sympathetic listener).
We did some gardening, drank some tea and gave and gained support.
Sounds good? It is.
Yes, we could have stopped there, but well, just think what you could do with another space. And so, The Cowshed Goes Wild got underway. But that’s another story.
Back to that sympathetic listener. They are volunteers called Chat Champions and their job is just to be available, to understand, to offer kindness. And we are recruiting. Is this something you could help with? More information about the role of a Chat Champion below.
Have we got any cows? You have to come and find out.
The Cowshed Wellbeing Projects needs Chat Champions to support people coming to our weekly 2 hour sessions at The Cowshed and The Cowshed Goes Wild.
Our Group sessions are Thursdays 10.00 til 12.00, and Tuesdays 2.00 til 4.00. and we are looking for people who can commit to regular two hour sessions.
Lived experience of troubled times is your strength here. You may have experience of illness, stress or bereavement, but you may also be a mother, a writer, a comedian, gardener, a beautician. We all have complex lives.
You need to be compassionate, openminded, hardy, be discreet, and want to make a difference. You need to be in a position to volunteer weekly most of the time. You will become a part of the groups, which have leaders experienced in growing, and in life.
Chat Champs are also supported by Mary and Sharon/Kim. We are planning induction and familiarization over the winter, with a regular start in the Spring. Take a look also at our facebook group The Cowshed at Plot 17.
Further information and to arrange a visit text or call 07769720773.
You can also just pop in to any Thursday session for a chat with Mary. We look forward to meeting you. The Cowshed is found through a small gate at the bottom left corner of the lefthand car park of the Medical Centre in Bridport. Look for the cow and the shelter.
Stepping into Nature
Stepping into Nature