Blog 15 - Celebrating our achievements
All too often we are so busy ticking of tasks from a list and hastily moving onto the next ‘to do’ that we forget to stop and take a moment to reflect on what we have just done.

All too often we are so busy ticking of tasks from a list and hastily moving onto the next ‘to do’ that we forget to stop and take a moment to reflect on what we have just done.
The rolling on of a new year is always the perfect reminder to take a moment to become reflective and look at what has been achieved over the previous year. It always comes as a surprise as you begin to list the tasks and can feel a sense of pride creeping in. What’s more is it gives us a massive boost to strive to achieve the same, and more, for the following year!
• Over 350 Seasons of Stories Spring books were posted to connect people to nature through poetry, stories and conversation.
• Over 270 History Walk Guides were posted to connect people to the special towns and villages in Dorset
• Launched Picnic in the Parks, a website that helps people live well and love nature which has been viewed over 2500 times. 3 lucky people also won the Dorset Food and Drink hampers for providing feedback.
• Launched Nature Buddies linking with 5 organisations
• Delivered over 25 group activities including History Walks, Calm in the Countryside and Your Seasons of Stories artist led sessions
• Provided £6000 in grants to communities and organisations in Dorset
• Launched Health and Nature Dorset with partners to help organisations work better and stronger together in Dorset.
• Been awarded £45 000 for Your Seasons of Stories project and £50 000 for the Thriving Communities Nature Buddies partnership project
• Recruited freelancers including 4 artists, a filmmaker, a designer and various other specialist roles, and expanded our wider team with a Health and Nature Dorset Project Assistant
Just want to say thank you so much for planning such a beautiful session for my little group, we all thoroughly enjoyed it. What a really super start to the year.
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